Friday, December 12, 2014

Here is Something That You Should Know Before Buying House Paint!

Did you know that your house paint could harm you and your family?

While remodeling houses, we all specifically consider the color and texture of the paint. However, we hardly think about the paint quality.

Paint that has cheap VOC components in chemical reactive diluents directly affects the health of those who are exposed to it, like the people living in that house.

While it may sound surprising, the fact is that some reactive and polluting gases are present in cheap paints, which causes health issues like; frequent headaches, breathing disorders, irritation in the eyes, and more.

This is why it is very important that you pay attention to the quality of paint you will be using in your house, for the benefit of your family’s health.  Never forget to check the details printed on the paint’s container, and ask the supplier, if there are any risks involved with the particular paint that you are planning to buy.
Moreover, buying cheap paint is not advisable at all! Instead, go for paints with quality components, even if they are a bit costlier.

If you want to go for a safe option, buy organic paints. They are safer and healthier than any other type of paint.

Another important thing is the supplier’s selection. When you start looking for paint, you will find many suppliers, and each of them will claim to be the most trusted one. Do not believe what they or their brochure has to say about their products. Go by their market reputation.
Buying from renowned suppliers will save your and your family, more than you could possibly imagine.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Why are Epoxy Resins used in Different Industries?

Epoxy is a widely used chemical, which is very popular for its versatility. It is an adhesive formula with molecules that have more than one epoxy group. It has the ideal material strength and ideal adhesive strength, and it is easily available at affordable prices.

Epoxy is highly durable and resistant to heat, which is the main reason why different industries use it for various applications.

Some of the Top areas of epoxy resins application include-

When it comes to the construction of automobiles, it is used as structural/engineering adhesive.

It plays a major role in the marine industry because of their better mechanical properties, strength, quality to fill gaps and adhesion.

Usage of this wonderful chemical is not just restricted to technical applications, as artists also use it by mixing pigments to get specific colors. 

Its role in the electronic industry is equally important, as epoxy resins are used to make: insulators, PCB’s, hybrid circuits and electricity conductors.

The paint industry also uses epoxies, as paints or color protectors because it dries quickly and offers protective layers that are highly strong.

It is also used in surface coatings, as it offers strong and rustproof surface.

When looking to buy epoxies, it is important to look for a reliable supplier that complies with the given industry standards. At the same time, it is equally necessary to ensure that the supplier has a reputation for delivering high quality products.

Price is another crucial factor that you must take into account, as paying anything more than you should, is going to disappoint you later.

In order to get good quality Epoxies from a reliable source; you should go online for information and reviews posted about the supplier.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Why are Curing Agents used for Various Purposes in Different Industries?

Curing agents are used in different industries such as; flooring, marine, concrete, civil engineering, electronic potting, building materials etc. It is used as an adhesive or coating to harden a wide range of materials by cross-linking. Prominently, these agents are used for coating, laminating, casting, tooling, and potting.

These agents are also used in electronic components, because of their low viscosity.

They create a cross linking structure by joining the material and hardening it. This improves the strength of the material. When the chemicals are used to cure a resin structure, it will react directly with the resin in the product, and make it tougher than before.
In some cases, this process of strengthening needs heat in order to provide a better cure.

In the fields of civil engineering, these chemicals are used for various applications including; coating, potting, etc. For different applications, different kind of hardening catalysts is used. While some of them are very reactive, others have low viscosity. Some of these agents are used at specific levels of heat.

Main Features of Curing Agents

Some curing agents are used for their ability to resist salt water

The Ability to handle low temperature

It performs well even in humid conditions (which is why they are used for repairing cracks in concrete, repairing mortars and floor coatings etc.)

While they have an important application in a wide range of industries, in the flooring industry, they have a special place. They improve the longevity of the floor by hardening the material used. These agents are used for curing, in order to get a better performance from the products. Different types of hardening catalysts are available in the market. Before using these products, it is necessary to read all instructions carefully. Mixing these curing agents in the right ratio is also necessary, to get the desired results.

Choose the right chemical according to your usage, and by considering the industry standards.

Make sure to use the recommended product, because using an inappropriate agent will not provide you with good results.

To strengthen or to bind two objects properly, the right product must be used.

Monday, November 10, 2014

A quick glance at the properties of Phenalkamine

Curing agents are an essential part in the manufacturing and construction industry. Their diversified features are the primary reason behind their increased use.

  • In this post, I will share some interesting facts about the most popular curing agent, Phenalkamine.
  • It first came to existence in the mid 1970s by the Cardolite Corporation Company.It is synthesized from CNSL (Cashew Nutshell Liquid), which is derived from the shell of cashews, like; (Cashew Tree, Anacardium Occidentale L).
  • It provides good workable pot life to a substance, because of its feature, which provides very fast cure, even at low temperatures.
  • It has an excellent property of resistance to moisture, good chemical resistance, and flexibility.
  • Because of its unique properties Phenalkamine is used for; solvent-free industrial floor coatings, railcars, agricultural and construction equipment coatings, marine and offshore coatings, portable water coatings, and tank and pipe linings.
  • Phenalkamine is also used for adhesive, automobile, and electrical potting applications.
  • It is also used in manufacturing and construction industry. Its adhesion quality makes it useful in water as well. This is why it is used in marine applications, civil engineering, and industrial maintenance projects.
  • The formation of this curing agent is done by using various products and additives. It offers a blend of both aliphatic aminesa properties and Polyamides characteristics.

Benefits of Phenalkamines

Considering the diverse range of properties of this curing agent, there are many benefits of this chemical, of which the major ones are-

  • Corrosion resistance
  • VOC solvent free
  • Water resistance
  • Low migration levels
  • Faster recoating feature that helps in providing a rapid cure with no induction time, thus eventually reducing costly downtime of this agent.
  • It can be used in all seasons.
  • Fast cure at low temperatures (~40°F) is provided without affecting the pot life of the component.
  • Its good surface tolerance feature makes it robust i.e. it can be used on rusty, cold, wet, or damp surfaces easily.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

What are solvent dyes? What are their uses and benefits?

A dye can be defined as a colored chemical material that produces color when applied to a substrate. These chemical substances can be natural or synthetic. These are used to give vibrant colors to products.

In order to color items such as ball pen inks, printing inks, plastics, organic solvents, fuels, and lubricants, a solvent dye is used in different ways and forms.

This dye is soluble in organic solvents and mostly used as a solution in a natural solvent. The role of solvent dyes is considered vital in enhancing certain colors because of their ability of getting dissolved in natural solvents.

These dyes have multiple uses, but their most popular application is in the plastic industry. Approximately 7 basic shades are available in these colorings and you can find a large variety of dyes with similar colors. These colorings are mainly of two types; basic and metal complex dyes.

Benefits of solvent dyes-

They don’t change their color effects, when exposed to the sunlight. 

Event at higher temperatures, they maintain a good thermal solidity by resisting oxidization.

You can store them for a longer period of time.

They play a valuable role when it comes to consistent, unique and lively color shadings.

When looking for a manufacturer of this dye, it is necessary to look for a reputable name in the industry. Make sure that the dyes you purchase are of high quality.

Before you place an order, it is necessary to check the reputation of the manufacturer.

Price is another vital factor to compare before making the final call. It will be the sole responsibility of the buyer to test the suitability of the products. You can also seek help from these manufacturers, if you have any specific queries.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

What is the application of epoxy resins?

Through the years, the organic chemistry has seen many significant changes. New chemicals have now become an indispensable part of many different industries. From the hoard of substances, epoxy is a chemical compound that has gained a lot of popularity because of its diversified and dynamic properties.

Here are the different industries, where epoxies play a major role-

Adhesive manufacturing
: This chemical is widely used in adhesive manufacturing units. A large variety of products ranging from; wood & metals to plastics and stones, are prepared with a combination of epoxy. The heat resistance as well as chemical resistance features, make it a viable choice for making products, which require the proper adhesive nature. In addition to this, its flexibility also makes it an optimal choice for adhesive firms.

Electronic Industry: This chemical is commonly used in the electronic manufacturing industry because of its properties, which are not commonly found in any other chemicals. Insulators, motors, transformers, generators, switchgear, and bushings are manufactured using epoxy. Its conducting property makes it a viable choice for industries. Apart from these, casts, laminates, fixtures, as well as castings are produced by the application of this chemical.

Paint and metal industry: The lesser volatile and water resistant feature makes it useful in the paint and metal industry.

Automotive industry: With a combination of plastic colorant, this chemical is used in the automotive industry. The blend is used for creating the latex and alkyd based paints. These paints are helpful in protecting walls from UV rays.

Besides the aforementioned areas, epoxies are used in marine, aerospace, art and biological fields as well.

In combination with other compounds such as; amino acids as well as alcohols & phenols, a large variety of products are produced.

If you are dealing in any of these industries, then you need epoxy chemicals for sure. In order to purchase this substance, you need to find a reliable epoxy resin manufacturer.

Hiring a reliable provider is not a difficult task, provided you do a thorough research. Looking for different options on the internet is the most viable technique.

Once you find the options that suit you best, and you had a one-on-one conversation with the manufacturer, then you can choose the manufacturer that impresses you the most.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The use of Natural epoxy curing agents for coating

The demand for curing agents is on the rise, as the need of a good pot life for chemicals increases. Usually they are used for hardening a certain material be using cross linking. Multiple types of these products are available for use. All these agents have their own different features.

These agents are used by several industries because of their many features.
Many companies from all over the world are providing different types of curing agents such as; Aromatic and Aliphatic Amine, Cycloalophatic Amines etc.

Phenalkamine: is another curing agent, which provides a fast cure. Because it is a good solvent, it is widely used in many fields like; for marine and offshore coatings, flooring, construction equipment, industrial railways, marine applications, and much more.

Some of its many features include:

Cure at low temperature – This is one of the most important features of this curing agent. It provides cure at low temperatures, which makes it a good option for using in marine applications etc.

Sometimes, it is also used for maintenance coating in some industry applications, that need cure at low temperatures, which is sometimes even lower than 0 degree Celsius, can use this product.

Low viscosity – Low viscosity is another specialty of this product, which makes it more compatible for several industries.

Fast cure –It is a good option for industries that need fast cure.

Moisture resistance – This product can also resist moisture and water. It makes it capable for coating for marine and offshore applications. That is why, they are also it is used for pipe and tank coatings.

Good compatibility – This product offers good compatibility with several materials.

Excellent adhesion – Excellent adhesion is another property of this curing agent.

Salt Water resistance – Feature of salt water resistance also increases its importance. This is the reason why they are used in marine and other instruments.

Low cost – Its low cost availability makes it a great option in many fields.

Chemical resistance –Its high chemical resistance makes it usable for many protective applications.

Color stability – Color stability is another feature of this agent.

It also provides good flexibility, surface tolerance and other properties. It gives high performance with good durability. They have a very good pot life.
Coating, done with this product, increases the life and productivity of various applications.

With this type of coating, products will last longer even in difficult conditions, like; low temperature, salt water, moisture etc.

They always provide a better cure for many different industries.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Different Types of Epoxy Resins and Their Characteristics!

Epoxy resins are been used just about everywhere, including our day-to-day life. The many qualities of epoxy resins like; adhesive properties and their resistance to chemicals or water make them very useful, in several industries.

In boat building, dentistry, fiber optics, and civil engineering, epoxies are used for commercial reasons. Yet, not many people know that epoxies are available in different types. Every kind has its own characteristics and qualities.

Here are the different types of epoxies and their characteristics-

     Liquid – This type of resin is mainly used for coating, laminating and potting. It has good adhesive properties with chemical resistance. Low viscosity makes it ideal for civil engineering, flooring, and tank linings. It is also used in electrical application due to its electrical properties. The Quality of the solvent and the chemical and water resistance makes it the perfect choice for marine applications. Some variants of this liquid type have also shown impact resistance and more flexibility.

     Solid – Solid resins are usually used for powder, maintenance, and coil coating. It is also used for electrical applications because of its chemical or impact resistance qualities. Good flexibility is one of its many features. Some products of this category are also used in warm areas due to its heat curing qualities.

     Multifunctional – Multifunctional resins are known for their characteristics of property retention on different temperatures. It is used for the lamination of circuit boards to block UV. Some products in this category also provide features like; low viscosity and stability. Due to its many properties including chemical, organic solvents and heat resistance, it is an ideal product for coating, adhesives etc. It is also used in civil engineering; RTM applications, and composites, due to its good flexibility.

Other types

Almost every epoxy resin manufacturer produces this resin in some other variants also, such as diluents, specialty, cycloaliphatic etc. These products are used in secondary containment, tank linings, composites, filament winding, pultrusion, and impregnation applications. They offer certain qualities like; low volatility, wettability, and low odor level.

Major uses of epoxies

This product is mainly used for coating many types of equipment. Its chemical and water resistant qualities make it an ideal product to be used for ships, boats or any tool that comes in the direct contact of water. It is also used for powder coatings, and flooring.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

What you need to know about the classification of color compounds!

Colors have a special place and meaning in our lives. There is no substitute for colors, which is why we include colors for everything in our everyday lives like; clothing, cars, housing, and in so many, many more things including food. It’s just next to impossible to imagine or live our lives, without color.

Before differentiating color compounds, let us differentiate metals – ferrous and non-ferrous.

Ferrous are the ones, which have large concentration of iron in them and non-ferrous are the opposite.

Now take a look at the various types of compounds of colors-

     1. White Colored Compounds
At times, we need to shine the non-ferrous metals as much as we can. The process goes like this; first, the surface is prepared accordingly. Then, a white compound is applied to the surface to make it as shiny as possible.

     2. Red Colored Compounds
It is also used on non-ferrous metals, and the materials like knobs, fixtures, cabinets, buffs and domet are polished with the help of red colored compound.
These compounds help in giving shine to the knobs and make sure that there are no scratches left on the objects.

     3. Chrome color compound
Plated material is polished with the help of this category of the compounds of color. This helps in giving shine to the material. The chrome compound can be applied to stainless steel. Moreover, it also helps in giving a clear-cut look without any cuts on the material. There is no risk of corrosion on the non-ferrous material, if this compound is applied properly. However, chrome color can be used for non-ferrous and plastic material as well.

For non-ferrous materials, silica can also be used. Silica is a compound used in making flawless mirrors. The shine of a mirror depends on the amount of silica present in it.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

What are the 2 most commonly used dyes?

Dyes are widely used in petrol, oil, wood, spirit, leather, plastic paper, aluminium foil printing, transparent lacquers, nitrocellulose, cellulose acetate, vinyl, alkyd, other synthetic resins, moulding powders, construction material of cellulose acetate, celluloid, polystyrene, polymethacrylates, PVC, P/F, U/F, Inks for rotogravure and rubber stereo printing, ball point pens. Etc.

Natural and synthetic dyes are the most commonly used type of solvent dye.

Natural Dyes
This type of dye is obtained from natural sources, such as plants. This colorant came into use during Neolithic period.

Originally dyes like; Tyrian purple and Crimson kermes were the ones that were typically used in historical times. However, through the years the use of these dyes has decreased, as many other natural colorants came into use such as; woad, madder, saffron, and indigo.

The existence of these chemicals came into place from Asia and Africa when they introduced fashion coloured textiles. This made the need for natural colouring agents even more vital.

Besides these dyes, some other chemicals that came into existence recently include; cochineal and logwood colors.

Synthetic Dyes
Unlike natural dyes that came into existence from Spain, synthetic dyes were discovered by William Henry Perkin.

With synthetic dyes, thousands of chemicals were fabricated later in the coming years. The fabricated chemicals that came in the list of synthetic dyes offered a wide range of benefits, which is why they replaced natural colorants.

Main benefits of synthetic dyes:
  • Good production rate
  • Diverse colours
  • Better adherence property
  • Better colouring properties
These dyes are further classified into many types- like; basic, mordant, vat and reactive colouring agents.

Before purchasing dyes, you need to have a good amount of knowledge about these chemical products. Along with a thorough familiarity with these, you also need to take into account the credibility of the supplier.

Experience is an important point to consider, if you want good quality products. Therefore, a good research is a must.

Make a list of all those suppliers that are known for delivering, the most reliable products.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What is Sodium Hydrosulfite?

Sodium Hydrosulfite is a chemical used in the production of many household products. This versatile compound is in high demand because of its increasing popularity. The chemical formula for this compound is, NaHSO3. In structure, it is the sodium salt of dithionic acid, also known as sodium dithionate.

Some of the most common industries that rely on this chemical for the production of their products are; textiles, dying processes, chemical processing, leather, photographic, polymers, gas purification, etc. This compound is also used for carrying out physiology experiments.

Most commonly, this chemical performs the following roles:

Reducing Agent: When this compound works as a reducing agent, it chemically reduces other components by donating an electron or electrons. 

Sulfonating Agent: In this role, it adds sulfur to another chemical compound.

Cation Source: When it works as a cation source, it adds a cation or sodium, to the product system.

Sodium Hydrosulfite: Is considered an inexpensive and safe reducing agent for the reduction of vat dyes and sulfur containing dyes. On the other hand, it’s also used as bleaching agent in reductive bleaching processes. If stored and kept with caution, it has a shelf life of over 12 months.
Usage of this chemical requires many safety precautions such as:
  • You must use this chemical with proper ventilation.
  • Keep it away from heat and water.
  • No inhalation.
  • Store it in a cool and dry area.
When buying this chemical, make sure that you buy it from a reliable vendor that processes it in compliance, to ensure that it meets with the industrial standards. You can purchase this chemical in the form of white crystalline powder. Shipping of this chemical is an important aspect, and it should be performed under appropriate caution.

Perform a reputation check of the vendor, and get everything sorted out, before you make the final decision. Get in touch with the concerned officials, if you have any doubts or questions left.

Safety precautions for workers: Usage of this chemical is intended for industrial use only. Workers conducting the production of this chemical should work under controlled conditions. Worker must use personal protective equipments to ensure their health and safety.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Be cautious when choosing paint for your home

When remodeling a house, there are hundreds of things to keep in mind like; interiors, flooring, the final layout and lastly; the house paint.

However, when it comes to painting your home, there are many things to be considered like; color, texture, attractive designing patterns etc. In addition to this, emphasis is also to be laid on the details of paint rather than simply concentrating on colors and textures.

Sometimes, manufacturers add harsh and cheap chemical reactive diluents to their paint, which can be harmful for those people residing in the house. The polluting gases present in such paints, lead to several health problems such as; frequent headaches, breathing disorders, irritation in the eyes and more. Unfortunately, Harmful VOC components are introduced in the paint during production, by many paint manufacturers, in order to make bigger profits.

Therefore, it is of the utmost importance for the house owner, to be cautious when buying paint, and look at the details of the paint, printed on the can.

Before you make a choice, it is important to enquire about the paint constituents and about the paint companies.
Make a list of the top renowned paint companies, which only deliver quality paints to their customers.

Choosing organic paints is definitely a safer option. Not only you would get a colorful wall, but also get a healthy surrounding, as there would be no risk of health hazards.

Therefore, it is very important to do a thorough research before buying house paint. After all, it is yours and your family’s health that’s important.

Choose paint that is safe, as well as cost effective, if you do not want to end up spending too much money on paint.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Some common types of plastic coloring agents

There is a large variety of plastics available in the market. Different materials are used for making different types of plastic. This difference requires the use of different dyes for coloring.

If a plastic product is made out of nylon (a regular material that is commonly used for making Frisbee discs), it can be dyed by adding water to the acid Dye. The plastic is then heated in that water. Mild acid like vinegar is added to the water to achieve the required pH value. Nylon works well with acid dyes, whether it is in the form of woven textile fiber or plastic form.

The dye bath should be kept at 185 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature is higher, it may distort the shape of the nylon product, and may damage the fabric. But, at the same time low temperature is not going to work well either, because it will not allow the dye to bond perfectly with the fiber. 

Another common material used for making plastic products is polyurethane, which can be dyed using acid plastic dyes. This material can easily be damaged if the temperature is set high. Polyester is a material that cannot be colored using any of the dyes that have been mentioned above. This material can only be colored using colorants from the category of Disperse dyes.

Acid dyes do not blend well with polyester. The process used for disperse dyes demands higher temperatures, preferably above a hundred degree centigrade. If the temperature is set below this, it may result in a disappointing output. This material is a preferred choice when it comes to coloring synthetic materials like acetate and acrylics.

This material cannot be used for dyeing acrylics, which is the safest choice of material for regular usage. Acrylics can also be colored by using basic or cationic ones. When using the basic ones it is essential to have a safe laboratory. When using it at home, we must be very careful as it may stain everything that it comes in contact with, real bad.

You simply cannot color some plastics at home. Some of them have to be dyed only when they are in the liquid form. For instance, polypropylene that is marked with recycle log 5 is used for making water bottles, sports clothing, stain-resistant carpets, and upholstery materials, etc.
This material requires special material for coloring, because it repels water molecules.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How to develop a high-solids polyurethane system?

Using reactive diluents along with polymer matrix helps diminish VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and a high-solids polyurethane system can be developed.

Diluents are preferred because their quality results in higher solids and lower viscosity, which goes well for error-free applications of higher-solids coatings.

Description of diluents
Diluents are primarily used for reducing the viscosity of conventional epoxy resins. They are also generally used, in commercial grade purposes.

Properties of diluents

  • Viscosity Hopper 6 - 8 mPa.s. (megapascals into bars) @ 25 C
  • Light yellow or clear liquid in appearance
  • Epoxy Value 5.9 - 6.3 eq. / Kg
  • Refractive Index 1.528 - 1.330 @ 25 C
  • Storage Stability for up to 12 months in original container
Advantages of diluents
  • The Viscosity of high molecular weight epoxy resins can easily be reduced.
  • Using diluents, substrate, and filler wetting of adhesive formulations can be improved.
  • The retention of mechanical and chemical resistance cured state properties is possible, by making use of this substance.
  • There is lower vapor pressure in diluents, in comparison to other chemicals.
Applications of diluents
  • Diluents are used in both solvents free and solvent containing chemicals.
  • For the casting and potting of electrical and electronic components.
  • It is best used for laminating glass fiber.
  • Adhesive in nature.
  • Used in flooring.
  • Potting & encapsulation
  • Tooling
Diluents when combined with resins, give the following advantages:
  • Without increasing volatiles, viscosity reduction can be done.
  • Cost reduction because of higher filler loadings of both chemicals. 
  • Higher compressive strength, lower co-efficient of expansion; lower exothermic and lower shrinkage are a few of the many other advantages of higher filler loadings.
  • Increased pot life of resin hardener.
Once you learn about diluents and its properties, you will surely have a more clear understanding about it.
If you are involved in the type of industry, which deals in supplying Polyurethane Solutions for Systems, then you definitely need this chemical for effective results.

If you are still unaware about the many ways in which this chemical can be helpful for your industry, then you need to do a more extended research. Doing so, will help you get a better idea about its properties.
In order to get the best quality product, you must compare the price and quality of the product; before buying it.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Take a look at the extensive usage of solvent dyes

Dyes that are soluble in organic solvents are known as solvent dyes. They are mostly used as solutions in organic solvents. These dyes are used for coloring solvents, waxes, hydrocarbon fuels, lubricants, plastic items, and hydrocarbon based materials. The molecules in fuel dyes are mostly slightly polar or non-polar and don’t undergo the ionization process. Its molecules are not soluble in water.

The fact that these dyes are soluble in non-polar materials makes them quite versatile for its usage. Oil dyes are used for applications like foil printing, marking pens, printing inks, candles, waxes, polishes, wood stains, varnishes, shellacs, leathers, ball point pens, acrylic resins, etc.

Chemical activities of these coloring agents are important because they can easily dissolve in non-polar chemicals such as fuels, and oils. 
They are also used in pyrotechnics industry as well as signaling smoke. Another common utility is that of coloring lubricants, in cutting and automotive industries. The most common application of solvent dyes is in the plastic industry, which relies heavily on this coloring agent.

In this arena, manufacturers make use of solvent based dyes for coloring a plethora of solid products such as nylon, acrylics, polyester, polystyrene, styrene monomers, PVC, acetates, etc. In addition to that, several solvent based dyes contribute to biological stain manufacturing community for making stains that identify cells structure in scientific research and medical diagnostics.

Furthermore, they also contribute in giving certain products a transparent metallic effect. A good example would be gold imitation that we generally see in metalized polyester film. Other than that, glass coloration is another area where these dyes give their contribution. While other coloring agents easily ionize, these dyes don’t. Ionization is the ability of a compound to change polarity through losing or gaining electrons from other compounds. That is the reason they are not soluble in water which is highly polar.

The naming convention for these coloring agents uses color index followed by classification system. The system is the name of the solvent, followed by color, and number. Different types are given different names.

A few of the most popular ones are: Red 24, Yellow 124, Blue 35, Red 164, etc. The naming convention is strictly based on the color. It is not based on the chemicals used in different compounds.

Anthraquinone is the name that has been given to, blue and green dyes.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Know more about Epoxy resins and their usage!

There is a variety of color compounds used by plastic manufacturing industries for making colored plastic objects. Besides manufacturing colored plastic goods, do you know how to color an epoxy resin? Here is a piece of information that will make you familiar with the procedure of coloring epoxy resin.
  • Mix epoxy resin in the quantity specified by the manufacturer- One should wear gloves and work in a ventilated area as the mixing process release fumes, which are harmful for the body.
  • Dip a toothpick in the mixture and place the coated toothpick into the mixture. Typically, you will need some more drops of color concentrate to get the color of your choice.
Mentioned below are some of the factors that you need to consider while using epoxy resins:
  • When using epoxy resin, make sure that area you are gluing is clean and dry.
  • Always mix epoxy resin in specified quantities.
  • Make use of a large wooden spoon to mix hardener and powder together.
You need to act quickly to use epoxy resin as when it becomes gel, it is of no use. Then, you need to mix hardener and powder again.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The value of color concentrates in plastic manufacturing industries

Colors are an integral part of our lives. Colors are used for conveying messages and giving warning like in the case of traffic signals and many other rules. This is why the Plastic manufacturing companies make use of colors, in order to make their products different and attractive.

Do you know what a color concentrate is? It is a plastic compound that contains a high color percentage, and is then mixed in an appropriate ratio with resin, to create the required color. Several additives are also added to color concentrates, in order to add those special effects.

The Plastic manufacturing industries use such concentrates for different reasons. That is why, it is very important to choose the right concentrate, as to avoid serious issues in the future. Selecting the right color is also important in grabbing the customer’s attention. It is very important to consider the customer’s psychology, to bear competition in the market.

When buying color concentrates, there are many options to choose from. For example; when you buy a car, you look for all the different options available in terms of colors and shades. Suppose that all cars were the same color; then the roads would be boring, filled with vehicles of the same color.

The same principle applies in the case of the plastic industry. If these industries started manufacturing goods of the same color only, then no one will purchase what they have to offer.

That is why the plastic manufacturing industries need to manufacture in a large variety of colors; in order to make their products different and even unique.

The better the quality of the coloring agents is, the greater the chances for the products of becoming a success in the market. A variety of coloring agents have made it easy for businesses to target different audiences, based on their preference for different colors. The success rate of getting a required color depends on the quality of concentrates used, and on the ratio in which they are mixed.

There are different types of coloring agents available in the market. Each agent has its own properties, advantages, and disadvantages. It is possible that a certain concentrate may not be appropriate for coloring a particular type of plastic, in such case; you need to have the adequate knowledge about the different coloring agents and which is the best option; in order to provide appealing colors for the plastic goods manufactured by your business.

The wrong selection of a coloring agent will give rise to several problems like; color swirling and contamination. Therefore, one should have thorough knowledge about the unique characteristics of these concentrates, to avoid future problems.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Let’s learn about the colorants used in the textile industry

Dyes are the coloring agents or chemicals that are used to give different color shades to a fabric. The color of a fabric is what makes it more appealing and different from all others.

To color a fabric, the coloring agents are mixed in an aqueous solution. To improve the color fastness of the fiber, dyers add mordant to this solution. In other words, the addition of mordant helps to increase the strength of the coloring agent, which adheres to the fabric.

Once the solution is prepared, the fabric is dipped in it, in order to bring attractive color shades. When a fabric is dipped into the mordant mixed aqueous solution, the colorant adheres to the fabric.

In the next section, we will take a quick look at the different types of coloring agents, which are most commonly used in the fabric industry.

     Vat Colorants:
Vat dye comes in the category of dyes in which colors are obtained through oxidations. They give bright and strong color shades to the fabric after dying. These dyes are used to color different types of fabrics such as; cotton, wool etc. Colors through vat dyes are obtained by dipping the fabric into the aqueous solution.

     Mordant colorants:

The dyes that come under this category require a mordant to produce the desired color shade. The unique feature of such colorants is that it attaches to the fabric strongly, to produce color fastness properties. In other words, the fabric that is dyed using mordant colorants keeps its color even after several washes. Most common types of mordant dyes include: tannic acid, chrome alum, sodium chloride, alum etc.
     Acid colorants:
These types of coloring agents are soluble in water. When used for coloring, the chemical bonding between the colorant and the textile is obtained through the formation of acidic salts. These dyes are widely used in the textile and medical industry.

     Base colorants:
Base colorants are used to color fabrics of various types such as silk, wool, acrylic etc. Base dyes are also used to color paper.

     Sulfur colorants:
These coloring agents are mainly used to color cotton fabrics and produce dark shades. The Dyeing process of dyeing through sulfur dyes generally is done in two steps:

In the first step; the fabric is turned to pale yellow and in the second step; the dark color of the fabric is obtained by adding a sulfur compound.